Selected Highlights
Held the University of Virginia's James R. Schlesinger Distinguished Professorship at the Miller Center, an endowed chair established in 2007 "to bring public servants of great distinction to the University."
Designed, established, and fundraised for the first program on Asian security at Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government.
Program Chair of the Harvard Kennedy School’s Chinese Security Studies program and its executive courses.
Taught Harvard courses on Chinese foreign policy as a Lecturer on Government in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences.

Also taught the history, strategy, and science of nuclear weapons to a broader student body in Harvard’s extension.
Taught lecture courses in international relations, military science, and nuclear strategy to students from all U.S. military services and foreign armed forces as Lecturer of National Security Affairs at the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School.
Author of a book on China as a high-tech superpower, selected by Foreign Affairs magazine as a best book on Asia of 2003. Author of numerous essays and articles in leading journals, major newsmagazines, and newspapers.